UHURU in trouble as RUTO’s government appoints the man he persecuted for doing his job to investigate him – Look!


Wednesday, October 18, 2023 – Former President Uhuru Kenyatta may regret persecuting former Auditor General Edward Ouko for just doing his job.

This is after the government of President William Ruto appointed Ouko to investigate the pending bills during Uhuru’s time.

Ruto, through Treasury Cabinet Secretary Njuguna Ndung’u, appointed the former Auditor General to the Pending Bills Verification Committee.

In a Gazette Notice, Ouko was named as the chair of the 18-member committee tasked with investigating the government’s pending bills.

As of June 2022, the national government’s pending bills stood at Ksh481 billion.

Ouko, who sued former President Uhuru Kenyatta and other senior officials for planning to oust him from office in 2017, will be deputized by Tirop Kosgey.

Other members of the committee include Ali Abdulrazaq, Hesbon Omollo, Eric Onyango Gumbo, Patience Mulondo, James Washington Munene Gitonga, Bernard Ndungu, Nicholas Munywoki Mutua, James Kung’u, Cassius Kusienya, Peter Kitheka and Margaret Gichimu.

Maximus Siwa, Kanini Nthiga, Livingstone Mburu, David Kipchumba Ruto, and Susan Oyatsi were also appointed to the team.

“The functions of the Committee shall be to scrutinise and analyse the existing National Government pending bills that have accumulated between June 2005 and June 2022 and make recommendations to the Government on settlement of the same,” read the statement in part.

Ouko and his team were also tasked with identifying cases of fraudulent claims for further action by agencies such as the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

The 18-member team will also develop reforms or measures to prevent pending bills from accumulating.

Ouko vacated office as Auditor-General after an eight-year term in 2019. His tenure in the office saw him get at loggerheads with Uhuru over graft relating to the over Ksh200 billion Eurobond.

While leaving office, he cited political persecution as one of the challenges he faced during his tenure. He further claimed that Uhuru’s government withdrew his security and pension nine months after his term as Auditor General ended.

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