DEL MONTE sued after its rogue security guards killed 4 Kenyans on the eve of Christmas Day – GITHERI media can’t report this for fear of losing advertisers.


Sunday, December 31, 2023 – A human rights group filed a lawsuit on Friday against Del Monte farm over accusations of killings and assaults at its vast pineapple plantation in Thika.

The case, lodged at the High of Court Kenya, is also on behalf of people who say they had been attacked by Del Monte security guards and relatives of alleged victims.

The case comes a few days after four Kenyans were killed on the eve of Christmas Eve at the farm for allegedly stealing pineapples.

The suit says locals had long been crossing the 4,000-hectare plantation “leading to conflicts with the security personnel deployed by Del monte, who assault, beat, torture, maim, rape and/or kill the trespassers.

“Multiple killings have occurred at Del Monte’s pineapple farm in Kenya, where security guards allegedly murdered trespassers and showed general violence against locals,” it added.

Alleged thieves have been beaten to death by the guards, drowned in dams, or dumped in the nearby river, it charged.

In addition, it said wastewater from Del Monte operations was laced with “toxic pesticides” deemed hazardous by the World Health Organisation.

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