Hard questions in MONICA KIMANI’s murder even as JOWIE is convicted.

Sunday, February 11, 2024 Despite Joseph "Jowie" Irungu's conviction for murdering businesswoman Monica Kimani in 2018, the motive behind her brutal slaying remains shrouded in mystery.

In her verdict, High Court Justice Grace Nzioka acknowledged the lack of a definitive motive, stating that proving malice aforethought (intent to harm) is sufficient for a murder conviction.

This aligns with Kenyan legal precedent, where motive is not always essential for a murder conviction.

While Irungu attempted to paint Monica as unfaithful, the judge dismissed his narrative as irrelevant.

He also tried to implicate her Sudanese boyfriend through Monica's suggestive message to a friend about needing help sleeping but this too was disregarded, with Justice Nzioka deeming the evidence inconclusive.

Irungu's defense revolved around the presence of other men's DNA on straps found at the scene, but Justice Nzioka countered that such evidence could be easily explained by everyday interactions and did not implicate others in the murder itself.

However, the charge sheet itself mentions "others not before the court," sparking speculation about potential accomplices.

Whether these individuals will ever face justice remains unanswered.

Unanswered questions linger: 1. Why did Irungu possess a gun not used in the crime?

 2. Why did he steal an ID card before the murder?

 3. Who are the "others not before the court and will they be brought to justice?

By Cyprian Nyakundi.

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