Elite police officer VINCENT KIPROTICH stabbed to death by his wife while asleep after taking leave to spend time with her.


Wednesday, April 3, 2024 - A woman is in custody over allegations of stabbing her husband to death at their matrimonial home in Baringo County.

Victor Kiprotich, 28, an elite unit police officer, was on pass leave to spend time with his family.

He was attached to the Special Operation Group (SOG) at Wargadud in Mandera County. 

The border patrol SOG team is one of the highly trained units within the Administration Police Service.

These officers undergo specialized training and are deployed at border points and terror-prone areas, such as the North Eastern region.

According to a neighbour, the deceased and his 26-year-old wife had an argument after he returned home in the crack of dawn while drunk.

The man was drunk so when he returned home, he argued with his wife and then he went to sleep. 

"As he was sleeping, that was when the wife attacked him, leaving him with serious injuries. 

"We tried rushing the officer to the hospital but he died on the way,  the neighbour said.

The elite officer had a first wife with whom he had a nasty fall-out, and it was after their separation that he got married to his second wife-turned-killer.

Kiprotich’s wife was arrested while on her hideout.

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