If ODM collapses because of RAILA ODINGA's exit, the casualties will be ordinary Kenyans - Governor ABDULSWAMAD warns.


Tuesday, April 2, 2024 - Mombasa Governor, Abdulswamad Nassir, has said the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party should not collapse because former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is leaving the party to join the African Union as its chairperson.

Speaking on Monday, Ahmednasir said that any divisions within the party would only expose suffering Kenyans to more harm.

"What I want to tell my colleagues and I believe Baba, you have spoken to us before about it. 

"Whatever happens, our party will remain stronger because we are the last line of defence for Kenyans.

"When we are divided, we will be oppressing those who rely on us to be their shield and to give them direction," Nassir said.

His remarks were in relation to the ongoing campaigns from within the party, where some leaders are positioning themselves to take charge should Raila become the African Union Commission chairperson.

He went on to say that even as some party members have expressed the desire to take over the leadership of the party, Raila will still have the final say.

Nassir said the party's in-house contests should not amount to dividing ODM because they need to be stronger now than ever.

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