It is a recipe for chaos!! – ODM calls out RUTO after he appointed KRA chairman as UDA Director of Elections


Wednesday, April 3, 2024 - The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has condemned President William Ruto for appointing public officers into the United Democratic Alliance party ranks.

ODM's condemnation comes after William Ruto's party appointed Kenya Revenue Authority's (KRA) Anthony Mwaura as its chairperson of the elections board.

Kenya Power Chairperson Joy Masinde was appointed the Electoral Disputes Resolution Committee (EDRC) chair.

To ODM, this is a recipe for chaos and takes the country back to the one-party state era.

"We deliberated on the developments in other parties and their implications for the nation.

"In particular, the committee expressed deep concerns over developments in UDA, where public officers, paid by taxpayers from all political formations, have been appointed as party officials.

"We are staring at the return of the party-state system last seen in the 1980s, where party leaders and public servants were one and the same thing. What followed was a youth wing with watchdog or surveillance responsibilities over the entire nation.

"We take the position that this development is wrong. It is a recipe for chaos, dictatorship, and partisanship in the management of public affairs," ODM said in a statement after the meeting of its Central Management Committee.

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