RAILA ODINGA urges RUTO to resolve the doctors’ strike ASAP


Friday, April 5, 2024 - Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has called on the government to move with speed and resolve the doctors’ strike.

Speaking during the ODM party's Central Management Committee meeting, Raila raised concern over how the government was addressing the matter.

He said Kenyans continued to suffer from a lack of access to essential healthcare services.

“We see an equally pedestrian and dismissive approach to the doctors’ strike and its impact on ordinary Kenyans. 

"There seems to be neither commitment nor capacity by the government to resolve the matter,” Raila said.

He called on the government to respect and implement the 2021 court ruling which directed the Ministry of Health and the 47 county governments to implement the Basic Salary as per the agreed, signed, and registered CBA of 2017-21.

“In line with the demands of the striking doctors, the government must ring-fence health finances by operationalising the Facility Improvement Fund,” he said.

He further supported the call by doctors for the government to Allocate 15 percent of the budget to health and devolve the resources to the counties.

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