A stray lioness captured strolling at night in Olmeut area, posing danger to the residents (VIDEO).


Thursday, May 30, 2024 Residents of Olmeut village are living in fear, with most of them forced to return home early to avoid lion attacks.

On Wednesday night, some residents spotted a lioness strolling the area at night as they were driving home.

The area is close to the Nairobi National Park, which residents say is not properly fenced to avoid wildlife escape. 

The video comes a few days after a lioness was captured on CCTV scaling up the perimeter wall before jumping into a homestead in the same village, where it subdued one of the dogs.

The lioness dragged away its kill, scaled the same wall on the same spot, and made away with the dog

The residents are urging KWS to do what it takes to contain the animals in the park.

They are calling for proper fencing of the park to avoid threat to lives.

Watch video of the stray lioness.

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