Mombasa Governor ABDULSWAMAD speaks after KRA goons raided his station for banning MUGUKA


Wednesday, May 29, 2024 - Mombasa County Governor Abdulswamad Shariff has spoken after goons from the Kenya Revenue Authority raided his coast-based station, accusing him of evading taxes.

Speaking on Wednesday after the raid, the governor said he would not be intimidated and linked the raid to the recent ban on Muguka in his county.

"Here on the coast, if it's not the issues of drugs, it muguka. 

"This won't end, no matter how much we discuss it, and intimidation will not work. 

"You can take away everything, but you will never ever strip our dignity from us,” Abdulswamad said

"You came here, and everyone I have spoken to says they are not aware of any arrears. 

"If you have been sent to harass us, we are going to take this matter even further. 

"If it's muguka causing these issues, to make you think we will be intimidated, we will continue,” Abdulsawamad added.

But KRA said they raided the station because the governor had not paid tax in accordance with the KRA act.

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