Nairobi residents call for the arrest of MURANG’A MCA for neglecting roads in RUCHU LOCATION


Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - Nairobi city residents have called for the arrest of Ruchu Ward MCA, Naomi Maina, for neglecting roads in her area.

Despite the Murang'a county government allocating millions of shillings to repair roads in her region, the useless MCA has been using the money to enrich herself.

On Saturday, Nairobi residents who visited the Gacharage sub-location for a goat-eating ceremony were shocked to learn that Kangunu–Ngoe Road was impassable due to MCA’s ignorance, mediocrity, and greediness.

“This is an embarrassment to Murang’a. How can MCA neglect this road,” Samson Otieno from Kayole was overheard saying.

“This MCA doesn’t deserve to be elected. She should be arrested for not serving the electorate as enshrined in the constitution,” said Peter Thethe who is also a Nairobi resident.

“The road is like a cattle dip. Ruchu people deserve better than this,” Paul Mutie stated.

Residents who spoke on anonymity also stated that the MCA, who runs a poultry-keeping business, has been diverting money to her own companies and they requested the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to probe her and serve justice to Ruchu residents.

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