Wasted Life: A Kikuyu man who robbed a man of his mobile phone valued at Ksh 23, 725 in January after hitting him with a beer bottle sentenced to death.


Friday, May 31, 2024 - A Kibera Law Court has sentenced Samuel Macharia Muthoni Alias Samido to death for the offence of robbery with violence.

It is alleged that on 8th January 2024 at about 0620hrs at Kinyanjui Area in Riruta, Dagoretti Sub-County within Nairobi County, Macharia jointly with others not before court, robbed Geoffrey Omweri Ontita of his mobile phone valued at Kshs 23 725, and at the time of the robbery used actual violence on the victim by hitting him with a beer bottle on the face.

According to reports, the complainant was opening a shop where he works as an attendant when he was ambushed by a group of men who demanded that he surrender his phone. He resisted, and they began hitting him with strikes and kicks.

One of the men struck him with a beer bottle on the right side of his face above the eye, and he began bleeding. The complainant let off his phone.

His workmate came to rescue him, but they also took his phone. He didn't resist because his colleague was bleeding badly. They screamed and passersby heeded the screams and the men fled.

The complainant and his colleague recognized one man as he operated a bar near their shop. The matter was reported to Riruta Police Station. 

The prosecution through Ms. Kathurima proved their case against the accused by calling a total of 5 witnesses in the matter.

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