Is Kenya planning to train 2000 Haiti Police officers? – MUDAVADI sets the record straight.

 Monday, June 3, 2024 - Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has cleared the air on claims that Kenya is ready to train 2000 Haitian Police officers on how to deal with criminal gangs.

Speaking on Saturday, Mudavadi explained at the moment, there were no such existing arrangements as per the United Nations framework for deployment.

“We have not reached that level at all and if they are going to be trained we will make it public the way we have made the mission public,” Mudavadi said

“We would not hide anything whatsoever, it would not be a secret,” he stated.

Mudavadi was responding to a question over the alleged arrangement to offer short training to some 2,000 Haitian offices in Kenya before the launch of the mission.

The reports emerged after a reconnaissance team to the Caribbean nation returned to the country.

Sources said the officers were to be flown to the country for training on law, combat, and other policing matters.

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