MARTHA KARUA now accuses RUTO of deliberately creating IEBC crisis and blaming it on RAILA – Look!

 Monday, July 29, 2024 - Narc Kenya Party Leader Martha Karua has accused President William Ruto of deliberately creating a crisis at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

This is after he ousted four commissioners for allegedly wanting to alter the 2022 election results in favour of Azimio Leader Raila Odinga.

According to Karua, the commissioners were removed for dissenting against the vote tally that declared Ruto the winner of the 2022 presidential election.

Karua emphasized that the IEBC crisis was not instigated by Azimio's anti-government protests but was a direct result of Ruto's actions. 

"We never went to the streets because of the IEBC," Karua stated.

"The crisis was generated solely by Ruto, who sacked four commissioners because they said no to the tally that made him President. Criminalizing dissent is unacceptable."

Karua, a vocal advocate for democracy and transparency, argued that the dismissal of the commissioners was a blatant attempt to stifle opposition and dissent. 

She criticized the move as an attack on democratic principles and a dangerous precedent for the country's governance.

"The fact that we abandoned the people's issue and were arm-twisted to accept something less makes us totally unfit to lead any other dialogue, especially a dialogue initiated by the people with clarity of demands," Karua continued. 

The vocal politician underscored that the current political discourse should focus on issues rather than personalities, stressing that the public's demands are clear and should be prioritized.

"This is not about installing any one person; it is not about personalities. It is about issues," Karua asserted. 

She called for a renewed focus on addressing the substantive concerns raised by the public, rather than diverting attention to political pronunciations.

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