SHAME as SIFUNA and LEDAMA OLE KINA support a bill that allows state officers to secure government tenders – RAILA ODINGA should summon these traitors


Monday, July 8, 2024 - Narok County Senator, Ledama Ole Kina and his Nairobi counterpart, Edwin Sifuna, have shocked Kenyans after they supported the Conflict of Interest Bill 2023 that will allow state officers to compete in government tenders

The Bill, which originated from the Cabinet, was considered by the National Assembly before it was sent to the Senate.

Despite pretending to be reformists, Ole Kina and Sifuna supported the retrogressive bill that would allow state houses to compete for government tenders with ordinary mwananchi.

Kisii Senator Richard Onyonka said the Bill as passed by the Senate amounts to handing the corrupt an open cheque to loot public funds with abandon.

The lawmaker said he voted against the radical amendments that crippled the fight against corruption.

"I voted NO for the Conflict of Interest Bill because it was to abet corruption. 

"Passing the bill with the amendments therein was simply conniving with the corrupt in legalizing graft.

" State Officers and their families must not be allowed to do business with the government," Onyonka said.

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