“Don’t drag UHURU’s name into your handshake with RUTO,” - Kioni tells RAILA ODINGA to carry the cross alone.

Thursday, August 15,2024 - Jubilee Party Secretary General, Jeremiah Kioni, has dismissed claims by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga that it is former President Uhuru Kenyatta who urged him to have a handshake with President William Ruto..

Kioni, who addressed the press on Wednesday, dismissed Odinga's claims, accusing him of trying to drag Uhuru’s name through the mud after making the controversial decision to work with President Ruto.

He cited the past letter by Kenyatta where he mourned the loss of Kenyans killed during the protests and urged elected leaders to listen to their constituents, saying that in the same way, the ex-president was against Ruto's regime and its policies.

"Uhuru Kenyatta's position is that you cannot join a government that is bent on causing all the havoc that it has caused Kenyans. 

"Killing them, abducting them, removing all the social support system that was there through budgeted corruption where we can see wastage of resources...this is not a government to join but one that we should be working to remove as provided for in the Constitution," Kioni said.

"If you want to know his thinking, his position, and why you should be careful about what Raila said yesterday, and what I hold to be untrue and not accurate, then you know what Raila said was misleading,” Kioni added.


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