DUALE attacks KALONZO MUSYOKA badly after he claimed he is the Opposition Leader after RAILA ODINGA exited local politics over AUC bid.

Friday, August 30, 2024 - Environment Cabinet Secretary, Aden Duale, has slammed former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka after he declared himself as the official opposition leader in the country.

Speaking in Magunga, Homa Bay County, Duale said that the constitution only recognizes the leader of the Minority in the National Assembly as the leader of the opposition.

His remarks supported Suna East MP Junet Mohamed’s statement at the event that he was the leader of the opposition, not Kalonzo.

According to Duale, anyone else claiming to be the leader of the opposition from elsewhere is not the rightful leader.

“Hon Junet, let me help. In the Constitution of Kenya, Article 108, the leader of the government in Parliament is Kimani Ichung'wah. 

"The spokesperson and leader of the opposition is Junet Mohamed. If you are somewhere else, you are wandering around saying that Baba (Raila Odinga) has gone to the AU and you are the leader of the opposition and your MPs are not even 20, it's a no,” Duale said.


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