JUNET MOHAMED declares himself the Opposition Leader in Kenya and tells KALONZO MUSYOKA to go to hell!

Friday, August 30, 2024 - Suna East Member of Parliament, Junet Mohamed, has blasted former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka for declaring himself as the opposition leader in Kenya.

Speaking during Treasury Cabinet Secretary John Mbadi's homecoming ceremony on Thursday,  Junet, who is the Minority Leader in the National Assembly, said he was the legitimate opposition leader.

Junet said that since the Office of Official Opposition is not enshrined in the Constitution, it would be fair to term the Leader of the Minority Party in the National Assembly the opposition leader.

 “As it stands now, I am the official opposition leader because I am the minority leader and you cannot take away the job God has given me. 

"Those in the opposition should know I am their leader,” Junet said.

The ODM strongman further slammed the Wiper leader for laying claim to a position that currently does not exist in the law.

“I have seen our colleagues saying we in ODM are in government and such stuff, and they are now opposition leaders.

"There is no part in the Constitution that talks about an opposition leader. 

"Let no one allocate themselves a job that is non-existent. 

"Let us first create an office and then someone can occupy it,” Junet added.


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