RAILA cornered during a stormy meeting with Kisii ODM leaders as he fumbles to justify why he did not consider the region for Cabinet slot and Parliamentary leadership

Wednesday, August 7, 2024 – ODM Leader Raila Odinga had a very rough time explaining to Gusii leaders why he did not front any Kisii to President William Ruto for appointment into Cabinet.

On Monday, ODM leaders from Gusii confronted Raila during a meeting, demanding explanations for why he overlooked the region in recent Cabinet appointments and Parliamentary leadership, which are predominantly held by MPs from Luo Nyanza.

However, Raila downplayed the concerns, telling the ODM MPs to be considerate of the delicate regional balancing act the party has to navigate through.

"The positions are shared fairly to ensure regional balance without leaving any community out,'' Raila reportedly told the politicians on Monday.

Raila denied that he had sidelined Gusii region, saying both Kisii and Nyamira are his strongholds that he holds dear in his heart. 

However, he promised to look into some of the issues raised about the distribution of house leadership slots after MPs complained that they had been denied privileges.

For instance, the MPs, including Bomachoge Borabu's Obadiah Barongo complained that they have been placed in only a few committees while their friends from other ODM support bases are in more than two panels.

Kitutu Chache South MP Anthony Kibagendi asked Raila if he could consider him for the Minority leadership position that is already earmarked for Suna East's Junet Mohamed.

However, Raila was non-commital, indicating that nothing much will change in the house leadership positions as already decided by the Central Management Committee.

"We will look into that and see how we can balance committees,'' Raila told the disgruntled MPs.


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