RAILA promises to do the unthinkable if elected AUC Chairman – Look! This guy has Africa at heart and deserves a chance

Tuesday, August 27, 2024 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has promised to collaborate with all African leaders to reorganize the continent into a union or federation if elected the next African Union Commission (AUC) Chairman.

Speaking at the FESTAC Festival in Kisumu, Raila vowed to unite African leaders to curb economic hunger and unleash the continent’s potential. 

He acknowledged the fight for liberation from colonial rule by our forefathers and challenged the current generations to fight to liberate themselves from their fears. 

"The fear that makes it so hard for Africa to trade with itself. The fear that makes it so hard for an African to visit another African country. 

"The fear that makes it so hard to fly from Nairobi to Lagos. The fear makes it impossible to travel across the continent by train," Raila said.

At the same time, Raila urged Africans to focus on their shared identity rather than their differences and should build on this shared identity and strengthen the African brand.

"Make no mistake. Africa may be poor and may have been colonised, but Africa is a very strong brand that can be made much stronger,” he stated.

As the campaign for the AUC chairperson position intensifies, he noted that it is important that they return integration to the top of their priorities. 

He also stressed the importance of developing Africa’s cultural and creative industries as a unifying force.

"We must also fully develop and deploy culture and creative industries to unite this continent. Mwalimu Nyerere said, and I agree, “Unity will not make us rich, but it can make it difficult for Africa and the African peoples to be disregarded and humiliated.”

"I hope that at the end of this festival, we will return home determined to pursue the objective of African unity with the vigour, commitment, and sincerity that it deserves," he stated.


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