See how this bus company has been operating with impunity in Eastleigh - The owner is protected by the area OCS.

Friday, August 30, 2024 - A local business owner on Mohamed Yusuf Avenue in Eastleigh is in a heated dispute with a bus company run by a Somali national.

The business owner claims that the company’s buses frequently block their retail shop causing daily disruptions.

According to the source, the company's offices are located several kilometers away and the owner alleges that the management's actions are driven by ethnic bias.

Attempts to seek assistance from local police have been futile, as officers, including the OCS, are said to be compromised and unresponsive.

"Hi, Nyakundi. This is Wamo Classic, a motor coach company owned by a Somali national in Eastleigh.

“They have been violating traffic rules by parking their buses in a busy Mohamed Yusuf Avenue.

“They’ve been blocking my place of work, and yet they have their booking offices further kilometers away from my premises.

“They are trespassing and issuing threats daily whenever I confront the management.

“They’re freaking tribalistic – because I’m not a Somali, I have to leave for them to get their office there.

“I’m trying to seek legal action against them. I’ve been going to the California Police Post and all the officers there have already been compromised.

“Even the OCS himself. They’ve been chasing me whenever I mention the company’s name.

“The entire system is corrupt. I’ve been battling to sustain my retail shop over there because they block my premises daily. Please Nyakundi, do something. Thank you."

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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