Don’t be cheap like RAILA ODINGA – KALONZO begs Azimio leaders to resist RUTO’s overtures

Monday, September 2, 2024 – Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka has slammed former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and his ODM Party for being cheap as to be bought by President William Ruto.

In a statement, Kalonzo accused Raila’s ODM of betraying Kenyans by abandoning its Opposition duties when they were compromised by Ruto.

This comes even as ODM Deputy Party Leader and Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir maintained that his party was not part of the government and is still strongly in Azimio.

"We are firmly in Azimio and our coalition remains strong and our moral obligation is not swayed," Nassir insisted.

However, Kalonzo asked Governor Abdulswamad to stay in Azimio and not act like his fellow leaders in ODM who bagged positions in the government.

The Wiper leader also asked Opposition politicians to stand strong for the principles of the opposition politics and act as a watchdog to the Kenya Kwanza Government.

He also maintained that he would not join the government even though he respects Raila's decision to work with Ruto.

"Our stand is that, with us, we will ensure that Ruto does not stay in the government come 2027," he said.


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