ODM Senator reveals shocking details about Governor MWANGAZA’s impeachment – You won’t believe what RUTO did behind the scenes

Sunday, September 1, 2024 – Embattled Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza did not deserve to be impeached, at least by the Senate.

This was revealed by ODM Senator Godfrey Osotsi, who claimed that most senators agreed that the charges against Mwangaza were not impeachable.    

During an interview, Osotsi alleged that, despite the Senators agreeing the charges were weak, UDA Senators mysteriously changed their mind two hours into the vote and decided to impeach the Meru Governor. 

The ODM senator sensationally claimed that the impeachment of Governor Kawira was state-sanctioned after leaders from Meru visited President William Ruto at State House. 

"Most Senators agreed that the charges against the Meru governor were too weak and not impeachable.

"However, two hours before the election, our colleagues from UDA mysteriously changed their position and decided to impeach Kawira Mwangaza.”

“We want a Parliament where decisions are made based on facts and the rule of law and not because MPs have been called to State House," remarked Osotsi. 

The Senator termed Parliament the weakest link in the governance system due to interference from the executive. 

The Senate upheld the impeachment of Governor Kawira on grounds of gross violation of the constitution, misconduct, and abuse of office. 

However, the High Court suspended the Senate's decision to impeach the Meru Governor. 


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