SHAME as it emerges that Agriculture CS ANDREW KARANJA is paying bloggers to praise him instead of working for Kenyans.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - Fresh details have emerged revealing how some incompetent and lazy cabinet secretaries in President William Ruto's government are using bloggers and social media influencers to falsely portray themselves as high performers, while they squander taxpayers' money doing nothing.

The most notorious ministry for using taxpayers' money to craft a false image is the Interior Ministry, led by Prof. Kithure Kindiki. Principal Secretary Raymond Omollo has an army of bloggers on standby to present the ministry positively, despite its poor performance.

Another minister using influencers and bloggers is Tourism CS, Rebecca Miano.

Miano has perfected the art of using influencers and bloggers to portray herself as working but she is lazy like many of these senior tax eaters.

The latest Cabinet Secretary to use influencers and bloggers to hoodwink Kenyans that he is working is Agriculture Cabinet Secretary, Andrew Muihia Karanga.

Karanja, who has been in office for barely two months, is using influencers to make his name trend on X, deceiving Kenyans and the President into believing he is working, while he is actually doing nothing at the Agriculture Ministry.


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