Actor JOHN AMOS' daughter believes her father's will was changed without the family's knowledge

Sunday, October 06, 2024 - American actor John Amos' daughter Shannon has claimed that her late father's will was changed without the family's knowledge amid family drama surrounding the death of the actor.

The actor, best known for roles in Roots and Good Times passed away on August 21, though it wasn't reported until October 1, with members of his family revealing they had no idea about his death until it was reported in the news.

Several members of Amos' family including daughter Shannon and goddaughter Amy Goudy released a statement claiming her brother KC Amos isolated the actor from the rest of his family.

Speaking to TMZ, Shannon said she believes her brother KC, her father's supposed publicist Belinda Foster and Eugene Brummet had Amos' will changed before his death.

Shannon first said that they couldn't find any paperwork naming Foster as her father's official publicist.

She added that KC, Foster, and Brummett were all living with her father, and called them all, 'grifters' who came into her father's life at her brother's request.

'We believe that the three of them conspired together to take advantage of my father, who was diagnosed in 2016 with Alzheimer's, Lewy body dementia,' she said, adding she has it in writing from the hospital.

However, she said that Amos 'bounced back' and was 'doing really well until about 2022,' which is when they realized he 'couldn't really take care of himself.'

Her brother KC moved in at that point, and then, 'started making allegations that a caregiver was stealing money from him.'

Her father was cremated nine days after his d£ath, which the family say they had no knowledge of until recently.

When asked about their father's cremation Shannon said she thinks there are, 'many reasons' at play.

She added that he had, 'the best insurance' through the actors union SAG-AFTRA and he should have been at Cedars-Sinai, but instead they just dropped him off at a hospital in Inglewood, which she said makes, 'no sense.'

Shannon adds they are going to 'seek a police investigation,' adding that she heard from a doctor, her father's primary caregiver, that when her brother moved in, he was withholding medication.

She added that he was also battling cancer and he was supposed to go in for cancer treatments but that never happened.

When asked about her father's will and if it had been changed, Shannon said that her uncle was in charge of his estate, adding, 'he had to do five wills because my brother would come in... he would get him to sign paperwork and he would undo everything.'

She said her uncle was 'constantly' having to re-do the wills, adding she has a statement from her brother that she 'made him sign' after her mother's passing, that he, 'knowingly manipulated my father, had him change wills, and that he could not have my father ever sign a document again without family and he still pulled all of this off.

While KC has yet to address these allegations, Belinda Foster did refute them in a statement to People on Thursday.

'I represented John Amos for over 30 years as his publicist of record. The media knows this along with John's agencies of record. Over the years we grew close to one another to the point of a familial relationship,' she began.

'In the last few years, he often referred to me as his "daughter." This was not a fraud by John, K.C., or myself. He was like a father to me. I deeply mourn his passing,' she said.

'Shannon's claims that John was abused are false. K.C., Eugene and I, along with numerous others cared for him,' she said, referring to claims of elder abuse Shannon put forth in 2023.

'On several occasions when Shannon claimed that he was abused, law enforcement authorities sat with John and confirmed his well-being,' Foster added.

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