Lawyer AHMEDNASIR ABDULLAHI says UHURU can’t win against DP RUTO in the public court – He is fighting a losing battle

Wednesday, October 14, 2020 – 
Renowned Nairobi lawyer, Ahmednasir Abdullahi, has accused President Uhuru Kenyatta of going against the constitution which he swore to protect.

In a fiery tweet on his official handle on Wednesday, Ahmednasir claimed Uhuru had contravened the constitution by kicking his Deputy William Ruto out of his office by not assigning him duties as stipulated by the constitution.

 Ahmednasir was responding to a headline in one of the local dailies which read, ‘Frantic new bid to end DP Ruto, Kenyatta feud’.

“No matter how it ends, the conflict between Uhuru and Ruto is a fight Uhuru can never win in the public court. (One) like he does habitually, Uhuru trashed the Constitution, evicted Ruto from office and declared him redundant. (Two) At personal level Uhuru comes out a bully and conniving,” Ahmednasir wrote.

Two catholic clerics involved in the reconciliation talks said they were making good progress and exuded confidence the two leaders would soon have a handshake just like the one witnessed on March 9, 2018, between Uhuru and Opposition leader Raila Odinga.

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