RUTO played me! Bishop JOHN PESA explodes after visiting the DP at his Sugoi home as he reveals the peanuts RUTO paid him

Wednesday, October 14, 2020
 – Bishop of Holy Ghost Coptic church, John Pesa, has decried ‘low appreciation’ fee from Deputy President William Ruto.

Speaking after visiting Ruto at his Sugoi home, Bishop Pesa claimed he was only paid peanuts by organisers of Ruto’s event while some of his colleagues were paid handsomely.

He noted that he only received KSh 10,000 which was below his expectations considering the expenses he had incurred.

The Man of God said he had spent KSh 6,000 to fuel his two cars in order to travel to Sugoi all the way from Kisumu County.

“I only remained with KSh 4,000 after spending KSh 6,000 on fuel.”

“This is wrong because I have learnt that some bishops were given more than what I received.”

“This must be condemned because such monies should not be given in a discriminatory manner,” Bishop Pesa stated.

Bishop Pesa became a social media sensation following his misrepresentation of biblical facts during the visit after he claimed that King Solomon killed Goliath when it was indeed David who killed Goliath.

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