MAINA KAMANDA changes tune on supporting RAILA ODINGA’s presidential bid in 2022, says it is UHURU who has the final say

Wednesday, October 14, 2020 
– Former Starehe MP, Maina Kamanda, has changed tune on supporting former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s presidential bid in 2022.

Maina was among 700 Kikuyu Community elders who trooped to Raila Odinga’s home in Bondo, over the weekend, where they endorsed his presidential bid.

In an interview with one of the local dailies on Tuesday, Kamanda, who is currently a nominated MP, denied endorsing Raila, saying it is only President Uhuru Kenyatta who has the final say.

“The Kikuyu community’s kingpin is still President Uhuru Kenyatta and we will wait for his guidance on the succession matter,’’ Maina said.

The remarks seem contrary to his past assertions where he had publicly announced that “Kenyans should prepare for President Raila Odinga in 2022″ since “He is the best bet for the future as he will not plunder public resources.”

However, Jubilee Vice Chairman, David Murathe, has persistently continued to assert that they are preparing for Raila’s presidency as the Kikuyu Community informing that plans are underway when a delegation of Raila supporters visit Nyeri in two weeks.

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