Deadly Love: SHOCK as Nairobi lawyer is stabbed 3 times by University girlfriend over a text message.

 Monday, 02 November 2020 – A city lawyer is nursing serious injuries after he was stabbed by his girlfriend, following a dispute over a text message that he received from another woman.

The victim, a 33-year-old man by the name David Ochieng, was stabbed on the collar bone, abdomen, and at the back in Umoja Innercore Estate.

A police report indicates that the victim was attacked by his 24-year-old girlfriend, Linda Okumu, who is a student at Eldoret University on Sunday night after she saw a text message on his phone from another lady, who was requesting financial assistance.

He was rushed to the nearby Mama Lucy Kibaki hospital at around 2 am before he was transferred to Kenyatta National Hospital for specialized medication after his condition worsened.

The man is reportedly fighting for his life at the hospital.

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