KIPCHUMBA MURKOMEN accuses UHURU of dividing the country by forcing Kenyans to support BBI


Monday, November 2, 2020 – Elgeyo Marakwet Senator, Kipchumba Murkomen, has accused President Uhuru Kenyatta of using the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report to divide Kenyans.

Commenting on social media on Monday after Uhuru met pro – BBI MPs in a Naivasha resort, Murkomen said Uhuru should “embrace the spirit of dialogue and consensus-building.”

“I want to ask President Kenyatta to stop dividing the country. The President should be a statesman and learn to build bridges of unity. The bravado and utado attitude is not a mark of eminence,” Murkomen said.

MPs drawn from both the Senate and National Assembly have been meeting in Naivasha for a retreat to breakdown the contents of the BBI report.

While Uhuru and ODM leader Raila Odinga’s allies are leading calls for the passage of the document without changes, those of Deputy President William Ruto are for its amendment.

Criticising the agenda of the retreat, Murkomen said, “Don’t buy the grandstanding and the political posturing in Naivasha. 

“The BBI Constitutional Amendment Bill must and will be amended. More than half of those in Naivasha are of the same spirit with us who were not invited. 

“They are making the same demands we are making. Amending we must.”

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