Anxiety as NASA co-principals, KALONZO, MUDAVADI and WETANGULA, gang up against RAILA – See what they plotted yesterday in KALONZO’s house

 Tuesday, December 15, 2020 – National Super Alliance (NASA) now faces fresh implosion after three partners met yesterday to plot over the contentious multi-million Political Parties Fund.

NASA co-principals Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper), Musalia Mudavadi (ANC), and Moses Wetang’ula (Ford Kenya) met yesterday to chart a joint way forward for what they termed as their share from ODM.

Since the 2017 election to the last financial year, ODM has received Sh678,713,667 in political party funding.

The orange party has been dismissive of any talks to share the cash with its 2017 partners, stating the coalition did not take part in the October 26 repeat presidential election.

The meeting held at Kalonzo’s Karen offices comes a month after the Registrar of Political Parties, Ann Nderitu, appeared to blame the trio for missing out on the millions.

Nderitu told the National Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee that Kalonzo, Mudavadi and Wetangula have themselves to blame for missing out on government funding only enjoyed by ODM and Jubilee.

According to the registrar, the coalition agreement deposited at her office on April 27, 2017, provided for sharing of the parties’ fund but a small schedule on sharing formula, which was not completed, has blocked ANC, Wiper and Ford Kenya from benefiting.

On Monday, the three co-principals put their heads together in a meeting that lasted hours to forge a united front and to ensure they do not lose out completely from the coalition’s cash.

They are said to have agreed to have the matter resolved in the NASA summit made up of all the principals.

A source privy to the deliberations at Karen intimated that the leaders were not happy with the way ODM has elbowed them out of the cash sharing.

They reportedly accused ODM of hiding behind NASA’s decision to withdraw from the 2017 repeat presidential election to deny them the cash.

The meeting is also said to have revisited the Coalition for Reforms Democracy (Cord) where the Raila Odinga-led ODM refused to share with Wiper and Ford Kenya the government cash.

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