Forget RUTO’s usual noises, read the BBI document and make an informed choice – Govt Spokesman CYRUS OGUNA tells Kenyans

 Tuesday, December 15, 2020 – Government Spokesman, Col rtd Cyrus Oguna, has urged Kenyans not to listen to political rhetoric about the Building Bridges Initiative.

Addressing the press on Tuesday, Oguna urged Kenyans to read the BBI document and make an informed decision based on their own conscience and not rhetoric fed by political leaders.

He touted BBI as the cure for post-election violence, saying it will bring peace and tranquility to the country.

 “We’ve been experiencing cyclic bouts of violence after elections.”

“The idea of the BBI is a momentous initiative by the government… we urge every Kenyan to get the BBI report and read it before making an informed decision.”

 “Let’s not be swayed by noise in the system…there will always be noise within the system,” Oguna stated.

The government official argued that the huge price tag attached to the exercise would mean nothing disastrous if Kenyans are assured of reaping fruits of peace.

“Let’s be contextual and visionary in our thinking.”

“If this can bring us peace so that Wanjiku can vote and go back to her home, then let’s support this thing.”

“Everything that happens has a cost to it.”

“And if this BBI will give us peace then whatever is said in terms of cost implication is a price that we have to pay for the peace.”

“Even peace has a cost,” he said.

Deputy President William Ruto and his allies have been averse to conducting a referendum, saying the country has a lot on the plate to deal with, including the Covid-19 pandemic.

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