MUDAVADI admits that UHURU has killed Mt Kenya economy and vows to help them if elected President in 2022


Thursday, January 21, 2021 – Amani National Congress (ANC) party leader, Musalia Mudavadi, has claimed President Uhuru Kenyatta has failed the country, especially the Mt Kenya electorate, who have been supporting his presidency since 2013.

In an interview with Kameme FM on Wednesday, Mudavadi said Uhuru has neglected entrepreneurs from his backyard touting himself as their saviour, who will deliver them from economic depression if elected the president come 2022.

“Most businesses in Mt Kenya are being auctioned because the government has failed to manage the economy,” Mudavadi said.

Mudavadi also supported Uhuru’s idea of a rotational presidency, saying Kikuyus and Kalenjin communities should give other communities in Kenya a chance to rule the country.

“Mzee Jomo Kenyatta ruled from 1963 to 1978, Mwai Kibaki from 2002 to 2012, and Uhuru for 10 years. You should now consider me as your safest bet,” he said.

The former Deputy Prime Minister said in the spirit of the rotational presidency, Deputy President William Ruto also falls in the category of communities that should pave way for others.

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