ODM says RAILA ODINGA doesn’t need UHURU’s endorsement in 2022 – We have been winning without any endorsement

 Thursday, January 21, 2021 – Rarieda MP, Otiende Omollo, has said Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leader, Raila Odinga, doesn’t need President Uhuru Kenyatta‘s endorsement to win the presidency in 2022.

In an interview with Citizen TV on Thursday morning, Omollo, who is one of Raila Odinga’s sycophants, said the former prime minister has won elections several times and would still win even without the endorsement of the president or any other politician in the country.

Omollo, who is among lawyers who successfully represented Raila in the 2017 presidential election petition, said the Opposition chief had no endorsement expectations and would decide whether to run or not in due course.

“Raila has won severally so he can win without endorsement. The Deputy President is behaving like he has not been part of the government for 8 years; wanting blame piled on the President alone,” he said.

Otiende also supported Uhuru’s remarks that the presidency should be rotational for purposes of enhancing unity and fostering peaceful co-existence.

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