RAILA and RUTO tremble as MAGUFULI enters Kenyan politics and unveils new political party ahead of 2022 General Election – This guy is the real deal


Tuesday, January 19, 2021 – A Kenyan youth by the name of Amemba Magufuli is seeking to make a name in the country’s political scene after he launched a political party. 

Speaking today, Magufuli stated that The National Reconstruction Alliance (NRA) was formed with the help of his colleagues Riziki Dunstan and Fredrick Ojiambo.

Magufuli, who is the NRA Secretary-General, said that the party’s headquarters are in Ngong – Matasia but has opened offices in at least 41 counties.

NRA boasts of being a youthful party, with the majority of its national officials and founders being 35 years and below.

The party slogan ‘Mwamko Mpya’ was chosen to signal a new dawn for Kenya as the party prepares to participate in the upcoming General Election in 2022. 

“NRA is and shall remain a people’s party, as you see its founders none is a billionaire, none is a fake hustler, NRA is a party for the average Kenyan from humble backgrounds but who believe in the beauty of their ideas.”

“NRA is a party registered by young ambitious Kenyans who want a newly reconstructed Kenya for all of us.”

“ Kenya is a rich nation but we have been taken aback by the corrupt and bad leadership, we want to sound a warning shot to the corrupt as a party we shall not tolerate and accommodate the corrupt, we shall fight them at all levels of government by all means,” he stated. 

“We need young people to be able to believe in themselves and understand the need to reconstruct our nation and transform Kenya into a country where all of us can enjoy our nationhood, our youths can have jobs, our youths can get business opportunities just like any other person,” Magufuli stated.

NRA is organizing internal party structures as it prepares for the official launch in March or April.

The NRA party is also planning to field a candidate in the presidential election in 2022.

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