Your family is to blame for all the mess in Nairobi – SONKO now tells UHURU as he goes after MARGARET KENYATTA

 Tuesday, January 19, 2021 – Former Nairobi Governor, Mike Mbuvi Sonko, has shifted the blame of Nairobi’s failures to President Uhuru Kenyatta’s sister, Margaret Kenyatta.

Venting on social media, Sonko dismissed the Head of State’s assertion that the county’s development had stunted under his leadership.

Uhuru had, during the interview, accused Sonko of orchestrating sluggish development in the city, adding that it was him that endeared Sonko to the people.

However, in a quick rejoinder, Sonko rubbished the allegations, claiming that the city was run to the ground by poor leadership dating back to the days of Margaret Kenyatta, Uhuru’s sister.

“When I assumed office in 2017, I inherited a badly run-down city that held an endemic culture of stealing public resources at the expense of services delivery, a culture that was initiated by the President’s half-sister Margaret Kenyatta when she was the Mayor of Nairobi in 1970-1976,” Sonko alleged.

“It is from that time that public lands and utilities were stolen with wanton abandon, zoning laws and policies disregarded with impunity, and many other vices became the hallmark of the operations of City Hall,” he added.

He argued that it is within this period that cartels, among them Uhuru’s family members, took hold of key sectors within the city, but he managed to fight them off.

Sonko stated that it is his fight against these cartels that earned him international recognition and applause for the work he was doing.

He pointed an accusing finger at Uhuru for the challenges faced in the city, accusing him of fostering selfish interests at the expense of suffering and hardworking Kenyans.

“What the President will never tell Kenyans is that his selfish family agenda was the motivation behind my illegal and hurried removal from office.” 

“The Kenyatta family has set out on an elaborate plan to misuse Nairobi County resources to build infrastructure for their Northlands City project, hence the illegal demolitions and evictions we saw in Ruai Kariobangi and Korogocho in the guise of expanding the Nairobi’s sewerage infrastructure,” Sonko alleged.

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