Rift Valley BBI team leader and TIATY MP, WILLIAM KAMKET, arrested over KAPEDO killings – He has been preaching water and drinking wine


Thursday, January 21, 2021 – Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) have today arrested Tiaty MP, William Kamket, over Kapedo skirmishes that have left 16 people dead and dozens injured.

The MP was arrested in Nairobi and later transported to Nakuru County where he will be grilled for inciting communities living in Baringo, West Pokot and Turkana counties.

Kamket, who is among Rift Valley leaders drumming up support for the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI), has been on DCI radar since the outbreak of the skirmishes that have left a General Service Unit (GSU) commander dead and four injured.

Interior CS Fred Matiang’i condemned what he termed a “premeditated, cold-blooded, heinous attack” on security personnel who were on a routine security mission in Kapedo.

Matiangi’, who was accompanied by Inspector General of Police, Hillary Mutyambai, vowed to hunt all those who were involved in the killings including politicians inciting them.

“We will not relent until all the perpetrators, including the elders who administered the oath and sent off the killers, are surrendered and brought to justice,” Matiang’i said.

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