RAILA must become President by all means – See what Likoni MP, MISHI MBOKO, has done to get BABA votes in 2022 that has caused an uproar


Thursday, January 21, 2021 – A section of Kenyans has raised concerns over the requirement to produce voter registration identification cards so as to access government bursaries.

This is after the Likoni Constituency, under the leadership of ODM MP, Mishi Mboko, made it mandatory for those seeking bursaries to have voters’ cards.

The Constituency CDF office moved to make it mandatory for all bursary applicants to produce voter registration IDs or death certificates in the cases of orphans.

Residents argued that this had as result ruled out thousands of legitimately needy cases that lack the documents.

Likoni CDF office manager, Mohammed Nyembwe, yesterday stood by the requirement, arguing that it was a legitimate way of applicants proving their residence.

Nyembewe stated that over 5,000 applicants had turned up on Monday, January 18, hence the measure to ensure only the needy are awarded the bursaries.

The move has been criticized as a way of soliciting votes ahead of 2022.

E! News Blog

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