Shock as it emerges UHURU and RAILA’s names are conspicuously missing from BBI signatures


Thursday, January 21, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta and Opposition leader, Raila Odinga’s names are conspicuously missing from the IEBC BBI verified signatures, raising speculations that the BBI signature collection exercise was done in a shoddy manner.

On Thursday, IEBC published names of the verified BBI signatures and asked Kenyans to look whether their signatures were captured in the exercise.

The commission published the signatures with names of people who signed, their counties, constituency and polling stations.

But surprisingly, the names of Uhuru and Raila, who are the men behind the initiative, were not appearing anywhere in the list provided by IEBC.

When contacted over the issue, IEBC Director of Voter Education and Communication Joyce Ekuam, said Uhuru and Raila’s names might be missing because the process of verification of signatures has not been completed.

“The process is not yet complete…it is just interim. We are still finalizing it at the Bomas of Kenya,” Ekuam stated.

Uhuru and Raila Odinga‘s aides have remained silent over the issue that has generated a lot of heat on social media.

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