Shock on RUTO as Kalenjin elders call for his impeachment for undermining UHURU and KANU chairman GIDEON MOI


Tuesday, January 19, 2021 – A section of Kalenjin community elders has called for the impeachment of Deputy President William Ruto for undermining President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Speaking on Tuesday, the elders said the second in command was now derailing government functions as he acted like an opposition leader.

“We want him impeached for derailing the President‘s agenda and also for undermining other state leaders like KANU chairman, Gideon Moi,” said Kennedy Rotich who is the Secretary-General of the elders.

DP Ruto and his close allies have been abusing the president and his family, with even some delinquents attacking Uhuru’s mother First Lady Mama Ngina Kenyatta.

Two weeks ago, Ruto’s goons blocked Gideon Moi from meeting Talai elders.

The goons barricaded the road with logs at Sang’alo, forcing the Baringo senator and his entourage to abort their journey to Kapsisiywo in Nandi County.

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