BBI is dead on arrival as RAILA’s ‘family’ disagrees over amendments even after BABA did all the donkey work – RUTO having the last laugh

 Sunday, March 28, 2021 – Cracks have emerged among ODM MPs over the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) with some members of Raila Odinga’s ‘family’ now siding with Deputy President William Ruto.

According to sources, some lawmakers are faulting the contents of the Bill, especially on the proposed creation of 70 constituencies where they claim the Luo Nyanza region was short-changed and want it amended before they pass it.

On the other hand, Raila, with a few ODM members, are satisfied with the document even reportedly called ODM Chairman John Mbadi and Elections Director Junet Mohammed to rally members in the National Assembly to back the Bill in its totality.

The lawmakers led by Mbadi and Junet are for the idea that the Bill should be tabled in Parliament and dispensed with as soon as possible so that the country can go to a referendum.

The split became apparent as the joint Justice and Legal Affairs House Committee debated the Bill.

While Junet and Mbadi were against the idea of the Bill going another week before it is tabled, other colleagues such as Kisumu West MP Olago Aluoch, Jared Okelo (Nyando), TJ Kajwang (Ruaraka), Peter Kaluma (Homa Bay Town) and Siaya Senator James Orengo supported giving the joint committee more time to consider public views.

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