Ex-Kiss 100 radio presenter leads Kenyan men in boycotting EABL products after SHAFFIE WERU and his co-presenters were fired

 Saturday, March 28, 2021 – Former Kiss 100 presenter, Andrew Kibe, has encouraged Kenyan men to boycott products from East African Breweries Limited (EABL) after Shaffie Weru, Neville, and DJ Joe Mfalme were fired from Homeboyz Radio.

Homeboyz Radio management terminated the contracts of the three presenters after EABL paused advertising on the popular Lift Off Show, the platform that they used to make disparaging remarks that promote violence against women.

Kibe encouraged men to start drinking Keroche products to teach EABL a lesson for conspiring with bitter feminists to bring down Shaffie Weru and his co-hosts.

Kibe claims EABL products are mostly consumed by men.

“Ata Summit ya Keroche si ni pombe!!! Kwanza

it’s Kenyan owned which is even better. You cancel us we cancel you! Mutajua

wanaume ndio ununua pombe Hizi streets” Kibe tweeted.

A hashtag dubbed BoycottEABL is currently trending at number one on Twitter.

Kenyan men have vowed to boycott all products associated with EABL, in solidarity with Shaffie, Neville and Joe Mfalme.

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