Coronavirus raids Parliament as four MPs are admitted to hospital, with two in ICU and in critical condition – Never joke with this virus, it is aggressive and brutal

 Friday, March 19, 2021 – At least four MPs have been admitted to various city hospitals for Covid-19 complications with one of the lawmakers on life support.

According to sources, some parliamentary staff are also admitted as the third wave of the virus sweeps across the country.

The critically-ill MP hails from Kiambu County and was rushed to the Nairobi Hospital over the weekend.

His condition deteriorated on Monday forcing his doctors to transfer him to the Covid-19 intensive care unit where he was put on life support.

In the same hospital, another MP from Uasin Gishu has been receiving treatment for the last three weeks.

The MP was on Wednesday night moved from ICU to the general Covid-19 ward where the legislator is still receiving treatment.

Another MP from Elgeyo Marakwet is also admitted at a different facility within Nairobi.

He has also been battling the virus for the last two weeks but is said to be improving.

However, another MP from Nakuru County was rushed to hospital on Tuesday morning.

Speaker of the National Assembly Justin Muturi said his office was aware of the legislator’s hospitalization.

He called on Kenyans to be extra careful.

Some of the MPs who have come out in public to declare their coronavirus status include Nickson Korir (Lang’ata), Moses Kuria (Gatundu), Anthony Kiai (Mukuruei-ni) and Dahir Duale (Dadaab).

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday last week banned all public gatherings for 30 days saying the spread of the virus had been fueled by political gatherings and large social gatherings.

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