DP RUTO cannot even defeat KALONZO as AGNES KAVINDU wins the Machakos senatorial by-election – UDA is a village party

 Friday, March 19, 2021 – Wiper Democratic Movement candidate, Agnes Kavindu, is the new Machakos senator after winning the by-election held on Thursday.

By Friday morning, Kavindu, who is ex-wife to former Machakos Senator, Johnstone Muthama, had garnered 104,0802 votes against her closest competitor, Urbanus Ngengele (UDA), who got 19, 705.

The by-election came about following the death of Boniface Kabaka on December 11, last year.

Kavindu’s win will propel Wiper leader, Kalonzo Musyoka to the national level since he was begging kambas to uplift him to the national level by supporting Kavindu.

This is also a big blow to Deputy President William Ruto since UDA is associated with him.

Since its formation, three months ago, UDA has won only an MCA seat which is last month’s London Ward seat which was won by Antony Nzuki.

Political pundits have termed UDA as a ‘village party’ since it has no active manifesto to make the electorate support it.

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