See the number of people who streamed live MAGUFULI’s state funeral world over – Even late MANDELA and Princess DIANA were not near to this!

 Wednesday, March 24, 2021 – Tanzania Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa has revealed the number of people who were watching late Tanzania President John Pombe Joseph Magufuli’s state funeral on Monday.

According to Majaliwa, the ceremony held at Dodoma Stadium was being streamed by over 3.9 billion people across the world.

Majaliwa, who was the chairperson of Magufuli’s funeral committee, made the remark at Amani Stadium in Zanzibar, when Zanzibaris paid their last respects to the fallen East African leader.

“ I thank the media, you were with us from day one and you have continued to inform Tanzanians, even this event you are broadcasting around the world,” Majaliwa said.

“Until last night we have information that people who followed the state funeral yesterday in Dodoma, were more than 3.9 billion,” Majaliwa added.

However, Majaliwa did not indicate the source of his statistics as it would mean nearly half of the world’s 7.6 billion people watched the event.

Magufuli died on Wednesday, March 17, at the age of 61 from heart-related complications induced by Covid-19.

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