RUTO is becoming desperate as his UDA begins to crumble! See how he begged DIDMUS BARASA not to abandon him

 Wednesday, March 24, 2021 – The quitting of Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa from Tanga Tanga politics may have hit Deputy President William Ruto really hard.

According to sources, Ruto literally begged Barasa to stay but his efforts ended up in smoke.

Speaking yesterday, Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi confirmed that Ruto sent him to persuade Didmus Barasa not to go on his alleged sabbatical but he wouldn’t budge.

Sudi held a meeting with Barasa to ascertain the cause of the decision to quit UDA which is what Ruto was concerned about.

“I paid a courtesy visit to my friend Hon Didmas Barasa, Kimilili MP in his office earlier today…I, however, requested him to reduce the four months break to a lesser time.”

“Let’s wait and see what he will decide,” Sudi stated.

Ruto now risks remaining alone after learning of a planned mass defection of MPs and Senators allied to him from his UDA party.

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