Shocking details on who might have ‘poisoned’ MAGUFULI – This man had many enemies

 Thursday, March 25, 2021 – A conspiracy theory spreading like a bushfire in Tanzania, has revealed people who may have assassinated late Tanzania President, John Pombe Magufuli.

When he was in power, Magufuli spoke about having many enemies who were jealous of his leadership of empowering the poor.

According to the Tanzania Intelligence report, detectives are investigating how Magufuli, who was energetic and full of life was hospitalized and died one week later of a heart attack after his hospitalization.

One detective revealed that they will involve even international investigators to probe how Magufuli who was fit as a butcher’s dog died of a heart attack.

During his tenure as President, Magufuli stopped Chinese companies from accessing minerals, and this according to the detective, might be the motive of his assassination.

Magufuli,61, died at Muzena Hospital in Dar es Salaam last Wednesday and he will be laid to rest on Friday 26th at his Chato home.

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