Tides have changed as RUTO now sings the praises of RAILA ODINGA despite everything he has done to him – Mambo Yabadilika Kweli!

 Thursday, March 25, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto has changed tune on ODM leader Raila Odinga and now singing his praises to the utter surprise of many.

Speaking during an interview on Thursday, Ruto said he is ready and willing to work with Raila again despite all the negative things he has said about him.

Ruto pointed out that he and Raila have almost similar goals, all of which are aimed at uplifting the country.

He noted that just like him, Raila means well for the country.

“The former Prime Minister and I read from the same script on the need to have political parties that have a national outlook,” he said

He noted that Raila and himself were pushing political outfits which can be embraced nationally unlike other people who were running ethnic outfits in the name of political parties.

Ruto and Raila have been sworn enemies for some time now and the two have told each other some awful things in their course of politicking and for the DP to turn around to praise Baba has caught many by surprise.

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