WETANGULA condemns the ouster of MALALA as Deputy Minority Leader in the Senate – RAILA ODINGA hates LUHYAs

 Wednesday, March 24, 2021 – Bungoma Senator, Moses Wetangula, has condemned the removal of Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala as the Senate Minority Leader.

The National Super Alliance (NASA) Parliamentary Group meeting met on Wednesday and resolved to kick out Malala.

Malala was accused of gross misconduct and mischief in the recently concluded Matungu parliamentary by-election.

Kilifi Senator, Stewart Madzayo, was named as Malala‘s replacement.

Madzayo’s name will be tabled before Senate this afternoon, so as to inform Speaker Kenneth Lusaka of the change of guard.

Commenting on social media after Malala’s dismissal, Wetangula, who is also Ford Kenya’s party leader, said the dismissal was selfish, unhelpful, unlawful, vindictive, intolerant, vengeful and against the NASA coalition Agreement.

I condemn the removal of Sen Cleo Malala as Senate D/Minority leader. It is selfish, unhelpful, unlawful, vindictive, intolerant, vengeful and against the NASA coalition Agreement. It has a direct link to the outcome of the Matungu byelection. Bure kabisa!!” Wetangula wrote on his Twitter page.

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