Is UHURU planning to form a caretaker government with RAILA after the High Court ruling on BBI? HERMAN MANYORA now reveals UHURU’s options that may shock RUTO

 Monday, May 17, 2021 – The 2022 General Election may be postponed after the High Court ruling that stopped former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s BBI reggae.

According to political commentator and scholar Herman Manyora, President Uhuru Kenyatta has no choice but to postpone the 2022 elections.

While making its verdict, the five-judge bench declared that the Independent and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) was not properly constituted to carry out any activity, including verifying signatures supporting the BBI and holding the proposed referendum.

It is on the basis of IEBC’s lack of quorum that Manyora sees the 2022 General Election not happening.

He argues that if President Uhuru Kenyatta chooses to stick to and uphold the May 13 judgment, he (Uhuru) could have a number of options that will maintain his stay in office even after 2022.

For IEBC to hold the polls, it will need the Parliament to properly constitute it before undertaking the electoral process.

Initially, former Chief Justice David Maraga had ordered the president to dissolve Parliament.

And according to Manyora, if Uhuru becomes law-abiding and obeys the order by the former CJ, he will dissolve the Parliament, quashing chances of having a properly formed electoral agency, consequently affecting the coming vote.

 “…He (Uhuru) has been asked to dissolve parliament, he does so.”

“Without Parliament, you cannot constitute IEBC.”

“No IEBC, you cannot have another Parliament.”

“No Parliament, no IEBC. No IEBC, you cannot have the elections, what options are we left with?” asked Manyora.

In the event that the country fails to hold the election, Uhuru will form a caretaker government together with Raila Odinga and his pro-BBI team.

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