RUTO in tears as all 47 County Assemblies unanimously thrash High Court ruling on BBI, even those that had opposed it initially

 Monday, May 17, 2021 – A section of Members of County Assembly have thrashed the High Court ruling that annulled the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

The MCAs, drawn from all the 47 counties, said that President Uhuru Kenyatta was robbed of his role to unite the country by the bill being termed unconstitutional.

They further accused the judges of overturning the “sovereignty” of Kenyans by denying them the chance to exercise their power through the referendum.

“The judgment does not acknowledge that a constitution is a living document that must be responsive to the needs and desires of a society at any given time.”

“ It presupposes that Kenyans are prisoners of the 2010 Constitution and the 2010 Constitution was made for a tiny minority of Kenyans and in this case the Judiciary and civil society groups not the larger majority of Kenyans,” the said during a presser yesterday.

The MCAs also called out the judges for disregarding the 43 county assemblies that had endorsed the bill, the Senate and the National Assembly, who recently passed it.

The MCAs said they were disappointed and dissatisfied with the judgment adding it would set a very treacherous and hopeless path for the country.

According to them, the judgment did not acknowledge that the Constitution was a living document that ought to respond to the needs and desires of the citizens regardless of the time.

They argue the Constitution Amendment Bill 2020 followed due procedure, and thus the judgment was ill-willed.

They now want to be included among the respondents that will appear in court.

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